Is it possible to open file in specific encoding in geany


My system locale is ru_RU.KOI8-R and I want geany to create all new files in this encoding. In its settings I set "Default encoding (new files)" to "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)" and it works for new files. But when I open any file without cyrillic characters, geany thinks it's in Unicode.

Is there any way to tell geany to open all files in KOI8-R (even if there's no non-ASCII characters inside them) or the only way is to put any character from upper half of codepage to all source files?

Best Answer

I tried to work on this problem, but seems that the only way for Geany to force to use an encoding is to have a corresponding line in the beginning of the file. If file contains UTF-8 characters geany will use this locale.

Among other things i tried the following bellow. You can also give a try your self , in case that works better in your machine.

  • To switch localle of my system to Greek ISO-8859-7 (it was en_US.UTF-8 before). I had to first install the new local using dpkg-reconfigure locales

  • To convert a test file from UTF-8 to desired locale (ISO-8859-7 in my case) using command iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-7 c.txt --output=c2.txt

  • To change geany preferences , in Preferences-Files Tab applying Greek ISO-8859-7 encoding both for new files and also for "Default Encoding (existing non Unicode Files)"

PS: Setting can also be verified/changed directly by look/edit file ~/.config/geany/geany.conf and look for the lines pref_editor_default_new_encoding=UTF-8 #changed to ISO-8859-7 and line pref_editor_default_open_encoding=None #changed to ISO-8859-7

  • Then only thing that really worked is to insert in the beginning of the file the line :
    # geany_encoding=ISO-8859-7 #

This solution is described on the Geany online manual - Infile encoding specification Section.

As a workaround to avoid opening all your files one by one and appending the above line you could use:

echo -e "# geany_encoding=ISO-8859-7 #\n$(cat c.txt)" >c.txt

You can also make a loop to quickly "geany-convert" all your files; something like this:

for file in "$(find . -type f -name "*.txt");do echo -e "# geany_encoding=ISO-8859-7 #\n$(cat $file)" >$file;done

I hope above ideas to help you solve your problem.

You could also check and ask geany devs if forcing encoding during opening a file is in the future plans of Geany.

PS: You could always open the file as it is in Geany, press reload as <your encoding> and save. This should save the file in the new encoding.

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