Is it considered a best practice to not use capital letters in file naming


People say you shouldn't use spaces in Unix file naming. Are there good reasons to not use capital letters in file names (i.e., File_Name.txt vs. file_name.txt)? Or is this just a matter of personal preference?

Best Answer

People say you shouldn't spaces in Unix file naming.

People say a lot of things. There are some tools that may screw up, but hopefully they are few in number at this point in time, since spaces are a virus proliferated by giant consumer proprietary OS corporations and now impossible to avoid.

Spaces make specifying filenames on the command line, etc., awkward. That's about it. The only categorically prohibited characters on *nix systems are NUL (don't worry, it's not on your keyboard, or anyone else's) and /, since that is the path separator.1 Other than that anything goes. Individual path elements (file names) are limited to 255 bytes (a possible complication if you are using extended character sets) and complete paths to 4 KiB.

Or is this just a matter of personal preference

I would say it is. Most DE's seem to create a slew of capitalized directories in your $HOME (Downloads, Desktop, Documents -- the D is very popular), so there's nothing bizarre about it. There are also very commonplace traditional files with capitals in them, such as .Xclients and .Xauthority.

A value of capitalizing things at the beginning is that when listed lexicographically they'll come before lower case things -- at least, with many tools, and subject to locale.

I'm a fan of camel case (aka. camelCase) and use it with filenames, e.g., /home/goldilocks/blueSuedeShoes -- never mind what's in there. Definitely a matter of personal preference but it has yet to cause me grief.

Java class files tend to contain capitals by nature, because Java class names do. And of course, let's not forget NetworkManager, even if some of us would prefer to.

1. There is a much more delimited, recommended by POSIX "Portable Filename Character Set" that doesn't include the space -- but it does include upper case! POSIX also specifies the more general restriction regarding "the slash character and the null byte" elsewhere in the same document. This reflects, or is reflected in, long standing conventional practices.

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