Iptables not filtering bridged traffic


I have a linux host running 3.10 kernel with two bridged interfaces: eth0 & eth1 as brid00 with no IP.

Bridge works fine, but now I want to filter some of the traffic going through the bridge, but iptables' rules are not firing.

I have enabled net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables (all traffic is IPv4) and net.ipv4.ip_forward and I'm using physdev module for matching.

For example, trying to block all ICMP requests with

iptables -A FORWARD -p icmp -m physdev --physdev-in eth0 --physdev-out eth1 -j DROP

has no effect. Any clue on whats happening? I think this kind of filtering was possible without using ebtables (My future plan is use nfqueue in some advanced filtering so I need iptables to fire the rules with the bridge traffic).

Best Answer

Considered a bug in kernel 3.10 (maybe only in my architecture, arm64). Works fine in 4.x kernels, tested in few of them. According to kernel diagrams and docs routing is the same between kernels 3.x & 4.x and should work in both, but it doesn't.

br_netfilter is a separate module in kernel 4.x, you have to modprobe br_netfilter to enable functionality.

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