Invalid cross-device link while Hardlinking in the same file system

.netrchard linkhomerhelroot

I have /home/myuser/Desktop/rc/.netrc file that i want hardlink to /root, ie home directory of root user.
When i do:

ln /home/user/Destkop/rc/.netrc /root

it gives the following error:

ln: creating hard link /root/.netrc' =>.netrc': Invalid
cross-device link

but it works when i hardlink the file to myuser's home, ie to /home/myuser.

So, what's the problem, why it says invalid cross-devices when there is only one file system here?

PS. I am using RHEL6

Best Answer

it's most likely that your /home directory isn't on the same partition as the /root directory.

You can easily check this with cat /etc/fstab hardlinks cannot be created between different partitions, only symlinks can.

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