Install mosh-server on the server to use Mosh


I have installed mosh on my MacOS via brew. Everything went perfect.

After I tried to connect to my server, I got a message:

localhost:~ darkstaff$ mosh root@*.*.*.*
root@*.*.*.*'s password: 
bash: mosh-server: command not found
Connection to *.*.*.* closed.
/usr/local/bin/mosh: Did not find mosh server startup message. (Have you installed mosh on your server?)

Do I have to install Mosh on my server? If so, how could I install?

I am using Debian.

Best Answer

Yeah. The client has to talk to something on the remote end. It uses SSH for the initial connection, but the idea of mosh is that it uses its own protocol, so it needs its own server program too.

I'd suggest also using screen or tmux with mosh, since if the client dies (e.g. you reboot your laptop), there's no way to reconnect to the running mosh session on the server.

apt-get install mosh screen

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