How to Increment Numbers Greater Than 50 in a File


I have a file, with lines like:

public class Builder{
    public void setCallId(long value) {
        set4ByteField(value, 48);

    public void setOriginCallId(long value) {
        set8ByteField(value, 52);

    public void setDateTimeYear(int value) {
        set2ByteField(value, 60);

Then I want to replace only numbers > 50 to number+1, keeping all else as it was. Result:

public class Builder{
    public void setCallId(long value) {
        set4ByteField(value, 48);

    public void setOriginCallId(long value) {
        set8ByteField(value, 53);

    public void setDateTimeYear(int value) {
        set2ByteField(value, 61);


I tried my best but wrote scripts which do not work, like:

cat | awk -F'[,)]' '$2>50 {print $2+1}' >

Best Answer

Your awk was almost right, but you want to alternate a field and then print the whole line. Also the output field separator is just removed and the missing comma and closing parentheses added manually:

awk 'BEGIN {FS="[,)]" ; OFS="" } /ByteField/ && $2 > 50 {$2=", "$2+1")"} ; 1' file

Where the 1 is always true, so always prints the line (for all lines) - note that it must be done after you altered the field. I added a match for /ByteField/ for more robustness.

For replacing the file: The redundant cat and piping to a command that has the same file as output will break. Use other approaches. E.g.

With GNU awk

awk -i inplace 'BEGIN ....' file

With sponge

awk 'BEGIN ...' file | sponge file

Or with help of a temporary file

awk 'BEGIN ...' file > file.alt
mv file.alt file
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