In xterm, what is “Icon Name”


Running in xterm (or gnome-terminal) the following command sets the so-called "Icon Name":

echo -en "\e]1;some_value\a"

What does this do?

Note that it is possible to set both "Window Title" and "Icon Name" to the same value with the same command, so I don't understand how "Icon Name" could be a path to, say, an image.

Best Answer

A long time ago, there was a window manager called twm—actually, it still exists and runs perfectly well. Instead of minimizing a window to a bar at the bottom of the screen (or similar) like MS Windows, Mac OS X, and many modern window managers, it shrunk them to labeled icons ("iconfify").

The Wikipedia twm article has some nice pictures, such as:

Screenshot from TWM

The window title is what goes in the titlebar (e.g., the "Calculator" or "xterm"). The icon name is what goes under the icon when iconified (the "xclock"). Modern window managers probably all ignore the icon name because they don't use the icon UI.

A full description of both can be found in the ICCCM.

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