In Gedit, how might I jump from the command line (bottom frame) to the file explorer frame to the text editor frame using keyboard shortcuts

geditkeyboard shortcuts

I know how to jump from tab to tab in the text editor frame, but jumping from the text editor (center-right top frame) to the command line (center-right bottom frame) using only the keyboard eludes me.

I know that jumping straight out of the command line frame probably won't be possible (or as easy as jumping out of one of the other two frames), but knowing how to do the other jumps would save me (and stackexchange posterity) a fair amount of time.

Best Answer

The following shortcuts work on my system (gnome/gEdit 3.18):

  • From file-browser to terminal: Tab
  • From file-browser to text-editor: F6
  • From text-editor to file-browser: F6 two times
  • From terminal to text-editor: Ctrl+Tab three times

I've noticed that these work just fine as long as I'm using only the keyboard to navigate. If I start using the mouse too then using F6 from the text editor will sometimes switch to the embedded terminal.

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