If Mac OS X is UNIX, why is it that it is not open sourced and the license is proprietary


If Mac OS X is a Unix, as answered in this question, why is it that it is not open sourced and the license is proprietary, as stated in this Wikipedia article?

According the the genealogy from this Wikipedia article OS X came from BSD, so again, why is it closed source and licensed as proprietary? But, the Darwin OS, also from Apple is open sourced?

Best Answer

Three reasons:

First, being certified as a Unix says nothing about your licensing, just your compliance to the established standards for being Unix.

Second, because being Unix has nothing to do with your licensing, and everything to do with your being like Unix, an originally proprietary system, and one with a long legacy.

Finally, don't mistake licensing: BSD code can subsequently be closed, and there is no duty of disclosure or source availability. The BSD license is more free on one axis, and less free on another, because of that.

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