IDE for large, multi-language projects (ie linux kernel)


I know the "which IDE do you guys use" question has been asked a million times. But I've never seen it asked in this context. What are some suggestions for an IDE when working on huge projects that encompass multiple languages and thousands of files.

A good example is the android source. Not only is a good C/C++ IDE required for the kernel, but also Java and shell scripts. Is there anything that's built for this kind of project?

What I normally use is KDevelop for C/C++. I love it, however, it seems to explode when using it for huge projects such as the linux kernel. Also it doesn't even do anything for Java or python.

So what I'm basically looking for is suggestions for IDEs/setups (ie vim + scripts) for working with large projects, including the linux kernel itself.


I think I may have been unclear. I'm not exactly looking for an IDE per se. What I'm really interested in is a tool (set of tools?) that make working with large, coupled projects easier. For example. The linux kernel defines a lot of macro functions. I want to be able to open any given source file in the kernel tree and be able to see the definition of that macro (whether it be by mousing over, or a vim extension window, or anything).

Best Answer

What I would recommend is that you don't stick to any IDE's per say. Let your code stay as flat files in the filesystem, and use independent tools (Emacs, the GCC toolchain, Ctags, etc) you have to for implementing the operations you have to implement. That will keep your codebase IDE-independant and free of clutter that surrounds it (like .project files, etc).

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