i3wm – Start Applications Without Class Attribute on Specific Workspaces


I've recently installed the i3 window manager on Arch Linux. I have been able to set everything up except the opening of apps into certain workspaces because some applications can only be opened via terminal (for e.g. the terminal mail client "mutt") because they do not have class names which could be found using xprop. So I'd like to know how to use the following command for those special apps without classes. My chromium browser has a class which can be used to identify the application:

assign [class="Chromium-browser"] $workspace3

Note: i3wm : start applications on specific workspaces when i3 starts is NOT a duplicate.

Best Answer

Despite the manual page telling you that you shouldn't use -class as it is used by the wrapper, there don't appear to be any side effects from adding this on the command line. This suggests that you can start mutt by

uxterm -class Mutt -e mutt

If this doesn't work then just copying the uxterm shell script and altering the class being set is another option.