I need a text editor to edit/visualize >10GB text files

editorssoftware-rectext processing

So as to vizualize, and hopefully edit, a very large text file, more than 10GBytes (a backup dump of whole database), I have tried using vim… it didn't behave very well.

I have also tried cat to at least visualize, and cat didn't not behave properly neither.

Are there tools for huge file editing ? Something that would view/edit by a limited group of lines without trying to load the rest, unless told to load a new group (really limited) of lines, and maybe the possibility to jump certain places thanks to a search utility.

Best Answer

It doesn't help for the editing part, but to visualise less might be an option. The advantage is that less can read large files quickly because it does not require the file to fit into the RAM. This makes it a much better choice than vim, for instance.

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