How to zoom/magnify Cinnamon desktop using the mouse wheel


There is a wonderful feature of compiz that allows me to use a key+mouse wheel (I use win+wheel to zoom into the desktop. Is there a way to get the same effect in Cinnamon?

UPDATE: Following Mikko Rantalainen's solution below, I checked gnome-shell-mousewheel-zoom out from git and added the included executable to my start up programs.

Best Answer

See source at

Install for Ubuntu:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tobias-quinn/gsmz
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-mousewheel-zoom
mousewheelzoom &

Done. Zoom with Alt+Mousewheel.

Update 2015-03-17:

Since around Cinnamon 2.2 API has changed so much that the Gnome Shell Mouse Wheel Zoom application no longer works with Cinnamon. However, Cinnamon has integrated zoom as an accessibility feature. All you need to do is to open Cinnamon Preferences and select Accessibility and toggle Zoom to ON. After that Super+Mouse wheel up/down zooms the desktop. You can even adjust the scrolling behavior in Options... – I recommend using full screen for the zoom and selecting Magnifier cursor pushes contents around.

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