How to use wildcards with ls to find files that are missing in a numeric sequence


I'm trying to list missing files in a sequence in the terminal. While many answers existed here, they are not generic enough that I managed to adapt it to my situation. So if you can make a generic enough answer that will work for more people, please do it.

I'm doing ls {369..422}.avi >/dev/null to list missing files but I can't use * to match anything that ends with .avi. How can I do this?

The numbers are not in the end of the file but in the middle. So I should need something like *numbers*.avi

Best Answer

ls *{369..422}*.avi >/dev/null

This will first generate patterns like


through the brace expansion, and then ls will be executed with these patterns, which will give you an error message for each pattern that can't be expanded to a name in the current directory.

Alternatively, if you have no files that contain * in their name:

for name in *{369..422}*.avi; do
    case "$name" in 
        '*'*) printf '"%s" not matched\n' "$name" ;;

This relies on the fact that the pattern remains unexpanded if it did not match a name in the current directory. This gives you a way of possibly doing something useful for the missing files, without resorting to parsing the error messages of ls.

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