How to use –transform parameter of tar


I tar'd and zip'd the following file:




I was trying to untar and unzip to /opt/abc/xyz/(same path) directory.

I came across the below command. I executed it as the root user, but didn't find any error or output. I am expecting below command will extract abc.xml from abc.xml.tar.gz and renamed to abc.xml_v9.

tar --force-local --transform='s/abc.xml/abc.xml_v9/' -zxpsf /tmp/backup/abc.xml.tar.gz -C /

output should be


man page of tar says below information

File name transformations:      

       --transform=EXPRESSION, --xform=EXPRESSION
              use sed replace EXPRESSION to transform file names

              File name matching options (affect both exclude and include patterns):

Can someone help me understand the above command with some example?

Best Answer

Using your example files source /tmp/backup/abc.xml.tar.gz and destination /opt/abc/xyz/abc.xml_v9. you can use thsi command:

tar --transform='flags=r;s|abc.xml|abc.xml_v9|' -xvf abc.xml.tar.gz -C /opt


tar --transform='flags=r;s/abc.xml/abc.xml_v9/' -xvf abc.xml.tar.gz -C /opt

And you will get



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