How to use the same email account when replying in Thunderbird independently of the folder


I have several accounts set up in Thunderbird. If I reply to a message, I would like Thunderbird to always use the same e-mail address as the one the original mail was addressed to. However, it doesn't seem to work that way. If I move an e-mail from a folder of account A to a folder of account B, and I then hit Reply, it will default to account B, even though the mail was originally addressed to account A.

Any way to make "whoever is addressed" always supersede the folder-based account selection?

I've seen various topics around the same issue, but none of this fits my requirement of wanting to respond from a different account's folder with the original e-mail address…

Best Answer

If you reply to an email the "original" email address will only be used by Thunderbird if there is an identity that matches that email address for that account. If such an identity is not available the default identity for that account is taken, if you hit Reply.

What you need to do is add extra identities to each of the accounts for the alternate email addresses.

However if you move a mail to to the account for and in the settings for that latter account add an identity with at "Your Name" specified with your name, and "Email Address" set to, then Thunderbird will put as the return address if you press Reply (even if this is not the default).

You can add additional identities to an account by right clicking the account in Thunderbird's left pane, then clicking Settings, then on the Account Settings form that pops up click Manage Identities... (just above Ok in the lower right corner.
Click Add, and fill out the first two fields as described, and check that the appropriate SMTP server is selected (if you sent as you might want to use the smtp server associated with that account and not the one associated with the account you add this extra identity to).

You need to do this on each account for all your email addresses (assuming you don't want to worry about where you move which mail) that you want to have their incoming email address as reply to address.

If you have 4 email accounts set up in Thunderbird, this requires you to add the3 "other" addresses as extra identities to each of the accounts, and for each select the appropriate SMTP server.

The above will result in no difference for the recipient (in headers, route etc) of a reply whether you first move an email from one account to another, or directly reply from the account where you received the email.

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