macOS – How to Use at Command to Schedule a Script


I've written a Python script that I need to execute at a certain time after another script runs. I found the at command, and after a bit of digging, I tried the following (broken into multiple lines for readability):

--filename chiv-lib --repository /Users/chuck/Projects/chivalry/chiv-lib/
--path Chivalry/ --comment "test" | at 2:52pm

This ran the script immediately. So I tried

at 2:53pm
> /private/var/folders/w9/6q0rjl6n4yv859fpxbg4123w0000gn/T/S10/
> --filename chiv-lib --repository /Users/chuck/Projects/chivalry/chiv-lib/
> --path Chivalry/ --comment "test"
> ^D

But the time came and went and the script didn't execute. After the above, at -l outputs the following:

13  Mon Nov 27 02:53:00 2017
12  Mon Nov 27 14:52:00 2017

This is on macOS High Sierra. Is at the right utility for this? If so, how can I get it to do what I want here?

Best Answer

Let's see, on Mac OS X (as this hardware is too old to run macOS) plus with myat because I can never remember the date format at wants...

$ date
domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2017, 16:34:12 PST
$ myat 16:36
touch $HOME/nananananananananananananananana-atran
job 2 at Sun Nov 26 16:36:00 2017
$ atq
1       Wed Mar  9 08:00:00 2016
2       Sun Nov 26 16:36:00 2017

... why is there a job from 2016 hanging around??

$ date
domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2017, 16:36:33 PST
$ atq
1       Wed Mar  9 08:00:00 2016
2       Sun Nov 26 16:36:00 2017

Uhhhh...maybe the man page for at will help?

     Note that at is implemented through the launchd(8) daemon periodically
     invoking atrun(8), which is disabled by default.  See atrun(8) for infor-
     mation about enabling atrun.

Meanwhile over in atrun(8) we find...

 Execute the following command as root to enable atrun:
       launchctl load -w

Gosh. Let's try that...

$ sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

And then we wait like a minute or two...

$ atq
$ ls *atran

Looks good once you turn it on (warning may drain battery or precious cpu slices...)

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