How to untar safely, without polluting the current directory in case of a tarbomb


Respectable projects release tar archives that contain a single directory, for instance zyrgus-3.18.tar.gz contains a zyrgus-3.18 folder which in turn contains src, build, dist, etc.

But some punk projects put everything at the root :'-( This results in a total mess when unarchiving. Creating a folder manually every time is a pain, and unnecessary most of the time.

  • Is there a super-fast way to tell whether a .tar or .tar.gz file contains more than a single directory at its root? Even for a big archive.
  • Or even better, is there a tool that in such cases would create a directory (name of the archive without the extension) and put everything inside?

Best Answer

patool handles different kinds of archives and creates a subdirectory in case the archive contains multiple files to prevent cluttering the working directory with the extracted files.

Extract archive

patool extract archive.tar

To obtain a list of the supported formats, use patool formats.

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