compression gzip – How to Uncompress zlib Data in UNIX


I have created zlib-compressed data in Python, like this:

import zlib
s = '...'
z = zlib.compress(s)
with open('/tmp/data', 'w') as f:

(or one-liner in shell: echo -n '...' | python2 -c 'import sys,zlib; sys.stdout.write(zlib.compress(' > /tmp/data)

Now, I want to uncompress the data in shell. Neither zcat nor uncompress work:

$ cat /tmp/data | gzip -d -
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format

$ zcat /tmp/data 
gzip: /tmp/data.gz: not in gzip format

$ cat /tmp/data | uncompress -
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format

It seems that I have created gzip-like file, but without any headers. Unfortunately I don't see any option to uncompress such raw data in gzip man page, and the zlib package does not contain any executable utility.

Is there a utility to uncompress raw zlib data?

Best Answer

It is also possible to decompress it using standard + , if you don't have, or want to use or other tools.
The trick is to prepend the gzip magic number and compress method to the actual data from zlib.compress:

printf "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" |cat - /tmp/data |gzip -dc >/tmp/out

@d0sboots commented: For RAW Deflate data, you need to add 2 more null bytes:

This Q on SO gives more information about this approach. An answer there suggests that there is also an 8 byte footer.

Users @Vitali-Kushner and @mark-bessey reported success even with truncated files, so a gzip footer does not seem strictly required.

@tobias-kienzler suggested this function for the :
zlipd() (printf "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" |cat - $@ |gzip -dc)

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