How to turn off the help menu in Lynx

lynxuser interface

I have a really small space reserved to Lynx for a quick lookup, as I need that often. However, the "Help" menu takes a lot of space and I don't really need it now.

enter image description here

The red oval is what I want to get rid of. How to do it?

Best Answer

Press o to change the options. In the very first preference “User mode”, select “Advanced” (“Novice” has the huge help, “Intermediate” has a one-line help, and “Advanced” shows the selected URL in the modeline). Check the “Save options to disk” box then follow the “Accept” link at the top.

The corresponding setting in ~/.lynxrc is


Aside: I prefer w3m to lynx. It has tabs, does better rendering and can show images. In its preferences, be sure to turn on “Display link URL automatically”. Also useful: Yanking URLs in w3m.

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