Tmux Sessions – Terminate Tmux Session and Processes


I noticed that i have a running process and I think it's because i initialized the process in byobu which is using tmux.

ps aux | grep sidekiq
1000     13786  0.0  0.0   8108   900 pts/4    S+   11:27   0:00 grep sidekiq

I have a tmux session called "3". As you can see below:

$ byobu   

Byobu sessions...

  1. tmux: 3: 1 windows (created Wed Aug 28 10:57:54 2013) [229x84] (attached)
  2. tmux: daemon: 1 windows (created Thu Jul 11 12:59:09 2013) [127x83]
  3. tmux: juggernaut: 1 windows (created Thu Jul 11 12:54:08 2013) [80x23]

I would like to exit that session and end all running processes that were created by that session.

Best Answer

tmux kill-session [-t session_name]

the processes in the virtual terminals should receive SIGHUP.

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