How to tell which dictionary kate/KDE is using for spell checking


I noticed that kate thinks that a particular word is spelled correctly, even though is it misspelled. When I check the word using aspell or enchant utilities, they both correctly identify it as being misspelled. How can I tell which spell checker utility or dictionary kate/KDE is using and why it doesn't identify the misspelling?

Best Answer

So I realise this is an old question, but I seem to keep revisiting this situation and maybe you are too.

KDE uses "Sonnet" these days as the spelling framework. Apparently it can use Hunspell underneath (and also Aspell, which is no longer maintained?)

Anyway, I needed to figure this out myself again today, and wanted to leave a note for posterity... the Sonnet setting in the KDE spell checking (Regional Settings, Spell Check) will cause a silent failure if your particular regional variant is not fully installed - in my case Australian English (en_AU).

Try starting KMail (for example) from a shell and notice:

sonnet.core: Missing trigrams for languages: QSet("en_GB", "en_CA", "en_AU")

So my distro did not automatically pull in my en_AU dictionaries, and setting that region for spelling did not complain about or change that situation.

This may be a source of your problem - also try disabling automatic language detection until you have your dictionary issues sorted.

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