How to tell if a encrypted (LUKS) device is already open


Is there a way to tell, given a path to a LUKS block device, and not knowing the passphrase, whether the device is already open (decrypted)?

What about knowing the path to the decrypted device?

Best Answer

The following code checks whether the device DEV_LUKS is an encrypted LUKS device and already opend (decrypted).


cryptsetup isLuks $DEV_LUKS && echo "$DEV_LUKS is a LUKS Device" || echo "$DEV_LUKS is not a LUKS Device"
test -b /dev/disk/by-id/dm-uuid-*$(cryptsetup luksUUID $DEV_LUKS | tr -d -)* && echo "$DEV_LUKS is opened" || echo "$DEV_LUKS is not opened"
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