Logs Tail – How to Tail a Log File and Keep Tailing When Latest One Changes Date?


I'm using RHEL 4.

The normal tail -F file_name*.log doesn't update when the time flips over to 0000.

Here's what I've tried so far from searching the web, both of which try to use nested tail:

tail -F $(ls -tr file_name*.log | tail -n 1)

tail -F $(fine . -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf "%T@ %p\n" | sort -n | tail n 1 | cut -d' ' -f 2-)

None of these flip over to new files. Plain old tail -F file_name*.log works in my small test cases (while the 2 above don't), but it doesn't work when I'm tailing a real log file.

Best Answer

This won't (can't) work - the sub-shells you're using to determine the latest file only get executed once. The glob won't work because the shell evaluates the wild-card only ONCE.

One way to deal with it would be to use 'watch' to run the whole thing, but that would hack up the output every so many seconds.

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