Terminal Multiplexer – How to Switch Between TTYs Without Using Screen


So let's say you boot up your Linux install all the way to the desktop. You start up a gnome-terminal/konsole/whatever so you have a tty to enter commands to.

Now let's say I SSH into that same machine. It will bind me to another tty to enter commands to.

Now let's say I want to "switch" my tty from my original SSH one to the gnome-terminal one started earlier.

Basically I'm asking if there is any way to do the same thing screen -x does but without screen?

I know you can easily send output to the other tty simply by echoing something into the /dev file, but I don't know a way to 'view' what's in the tty.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Maybe these schema can clarify the situation. This is the usual setting:

                               Terminal  (/dev/ttyX or /dev/pts/x)
                    (screen)<--[<output]----x-------(stdout) Process1
        Terminal  (keyboard)---[input >]---o-\----->(stdin)
                                            \ \
(hardware console or                         \ `----(stdout) Process2
 virtual console or terminal                  `---->(stdin)
 emulators like xterm, …)

And there is no way to plug some new Process3 like this:

             (screen)<---o---[<output]--x------(stdout) Process1
  Terminal (keyboard)---/-x--[input >]-o-\---->(stdin)
                       | /              \ \
                       | |               \ `---(stdout) Process2
                       | |                `--->(stdin)
                       | |
                       \ `---------------------(stdout) Process3

What screen (and others) does is allocating some pseudo terminal device (like xterm does) and redirect it to one or more "real" terminals (physical, virtual, or emulated):

             Terminal                   pseudo
             devices              ,--> Terminal (/dev/pts/x)
                |         _______/      device
Terminal <--[<output]--- |       |        |
 1       ---[input >]--> |screen | <--[<output]---x-----(stdout) Process1
                         |Process| ---[input >]--o-\--->(stdin)
Terminal <--[<output]--- |       |                \ \
 2       ---[input >]--> |_______|                 \ `--(stdout) Process2

Using screen -x you can attach one more terminal, xterm, whatever (say Terminal 3) to the screen session.

So no, you can't communicate directly through stdin/stdout with processes attached to a different terminal. You can only do so through the process that is controlling this terminal if it happens to be a pseudo terminal, and if this process was concieved to do so (like screen is).

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