How to split up a large .iso file across multiple DVDs via command line tools


Say I have an ISO file that is 5GB in size. How can I split it across 2 DVDs? Please I'm looking for an actual example showing me how to do it, not just recommendations.

The solution would leave the files written to disk in a browseable state, not requiring another tool to reassemble the pieces before being accessible.

I'm currently using this type of a command to author the ISO file:

$ mkisofs -o $backup -r -J -hide-rr-moved -V "Backup $date" \
    -graft-points " dir1 dir2

And then this command to author a DVD with the resulting ISO file:

$ growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=$backup
$ mkisofs -o $backup -r -J -hide-rr-moved -V "Backup $date" \
    -graft-points " dir1 dir2

And then this command to author a DVD with the resulting ISO file:

$ growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=$backup

Best Answer

It will not be possible without repacking the ISO into two separate ones.

There is only one Primary Volume Descriptor in the ISO image by which the readers can find the tree of directories and files.

You would have at least to create a second such PVD and a second directory tree, which allow access to the files on the second DVD. Further you would have to remove those files from the first directory tree which get stored on the second DVD. Else you get i/o errors when trying to read those files.

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