Audio – How to Split an Audio File into Multiple Files


I found something for videos, which looks like this.

ffmpeg -i * -c:v libx264 -crf 22 -map 0 -segment_time 1 -g 1 -sc_threshold 0 -force_key_frames "expr:gte(t,n_forced*9)" -f segment output%03d.mp4

I tried using that for an audio file, but only the first audio file contained actual audio, the others were silent, other than that it was good, it made a new audio file for every second. Does anyone know what to modify to make this work with audio files, or another command that can do the same?

Best Answer

This worked for me when I tried it on a mp3 file.

$ ffmpeg -i somefile.mp3 -f segment -segment_time 3 -c copy out%03d.mp3

Where -segment_time is the amount of time you want per each file (in seconds).


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