How to split a text file into multiple text files using Perl

perlscriptingtext processing

I have a file ABC_TabDelim.txt that contains the following:

00:00:00:00 00:00:05:00 01SC_001.jpg
00:00:14:29 00:00:19:29 01SC_002.jpg
00:01:07:20 00:01:12:20 01SC_003.jpg
00:00:00:00 00:00:03:25 02MI_001.jpg
00:00:03:25 00:00:08:25 02MI_002.jpg
00:00:35:27 00:00:40:27 02MI_003.jpg
00:00:00:00 00:00:05:00 03Bi_001.jpg
00:00:05:19 00:00:10:19 03Bi_002.jpg
00:01:11:17 00:01:16:17 03Bi_003.jpg
00:00:00:00 00:00:05:00 04CG_001.jpg
00:00:11:03 00:00:16:03 04CG_002.jpg
00:01:12:25 00:01:17:25 04CG_003.jpg

I would like to split this into multiple files for each instance of 00:00:00:00, outputting it as ABC01_TabDelim.txt, ABC02_TabDelim.txt, ABC03_TabDelim.txt, etc.

So 00:00:00:00 would indicate a new file should begin. Is there any way I can accomplish this with a Perl script?

Best Answer

This will work for the given format. This assumes the file will always start with 00:00:00:00.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

open(my $infh, '<', 'ABC_TabDelim.txt') or die $!;

my $outfh;
my $filecount = 0;
while ( my $line = <$infh> ) {
    if ( $line =~ /^00:00:00:00/ ) {
        close($outfh) if $outfh;
        open($outfh, '>', sprintf('ABC%02d_TabDelim.txt', ++$filecount)) or die $!;        
    print {$outfh} $line or die "Failed to write to file: $!";

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