Security Performance Disk – How to Speed Up Secure Erasing of a Disk


I need to securely erase harddisks from time to time and have used a variety of tools to do this:

  • cat /dev/zero > /dev/disk
  • cat /dev/urandom > /dev/disk
  • shred
  • badblocks -w
  • DBAN

All of these have in common that they take ages to run.

In one case cat /dev/urandom > /dev/disk killed the disk, apparently overheating it.

Is there a "good enough" approach to achieve that any data on the disk is made unusable in a timely fashion? Overwriting superblocks and a couple of strategically important blocks or somesuch?

The disks (both, spinning and ssd) come from donated computers and will be used to install Linux-Desktops on them afterwards, handed out to people who can't afford to buy a computer, but need one.

The disks of the donated computers will usually not have been encrypted. And sometimes donors don't even think of deleting files beforehand.


From the answers that have come in so far, it seems there is no cutting corners.
My best bet is probably setting up a lab-computer to erase multiple disks at once. One more reason to ask big companies for donations 🙂

Thanks everyone!

Best Answer

Overwriting the superblock or partition table just makes it inconvenient to reconstruct the data, which is obviously still there if you just do a hex dump.

Hard disks have a built-in erasing feature: ATA Secure Erase, which you can activate using hdparm:

  1. Pick a password (any password):

    hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass hunter1 /dev/sdX

  2. Initiate erasure:

    hdparm --user-master u --security-erase hunter1 /dev/sdX

Since this is a built-in feature, it is unlikely that you'll find a faster method that actually offers real erasure. (It's up to you, though, to determine whether it meets your level of paranoia.)

Alternatively, use the disk with full-disk encryption, then just throw away the key when you want to dispose of the data.

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