Partition – How to Set Up Overflow /tmp Partition


I run Antergos as my OS. I have several drives in my computer: a 240gb SSD, a 320gb SATA hard drive, and a 120gb IDE drive. I store most everything on the SSD because I don't generally need more room than that, and I have the IDE drive set up as a network available drive to share with my laptop. My question is, is there any way that I can set it up so that if the /tmp partition on the SSD fills up (just happened while building catalyst-total) it can start to overflow seamlessly into the SATA drive on a pre-determined partition?

Best Answer

tmpfs uses swap if sufficient RAM is not available. That means you can create and activate a swap partition on the SATA drive and it will be used for /tmp, provided it's a tmpfs.

In order to to that, create a swap partition and mount the swap space in your /etc/fstab. Furthermore, you have to ensure that the mounted tmpfs is of sufficient size. Use the size option. E.g.

# entries from /etc/fstab
UUID=d59ccb12-0b8e-42e4-b1e5-62e62b5b4c14 none  swap   sw        0   0
tmpfs                                     /tmp  tmpfs  size=20G  0   0