How to set up a OpenVPN server on pfsense


How do I set up a OpenVPN server on pfsense? I want to be able to VPN in from a labptop when I am on the road. I set up a openvpn server in the openvpn menu. I duplicated that NAT rules for the VPN server. I tried opening the fire wall ports. I also set up the certificates, made a user account (put a certificate on that) as well as turned on the interface. I am thinking my next step has something to do with fixing it so the vpn server process can run but I am not sure why it will not start. I also think my firewall rules should be done better so I don't leave a port wide open but I'm not sure how.

I cleared all the logs and then tried to start up the VPN server. I got this:

Jun 26 00:30:57     openvpn[26660]: MANAGEMENT: Client connected from /var/etc/openvpn/client1.sock
Jun 26 00:30:57     openvpn[26660]: MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state 1'
Jun 26 00:30:57     openvpn[26660]: MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected
Jun 26 00:30:57     openvpn[34295]: MANAGEMENT: Client connected from /var/etc/openvpn/client3.sock
Jun 26 00:30:57     openvpn[34295]: MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state 1'
Jun 26 00:30:57     openvpn[34295]: MANAGEMENT: CMD 'status 2'
Jun 26 00:30:57     openvpn[34295]: MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected
Jun 26 00:30:57     openvpn[45727]: MANAGEMENT: Client connected from /var/etc/openvpn/client4.sock
Jun 26 00:30:57     openvpn[45727]: MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state 1'
Jun 26 00:30:57     openvpn[45727]: MANAGEMENT: CMD 'status 2'
Jun 26 00:30:57     openvpn[45727]: MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected
Jun 26 00:30:59     openvpn[87234]: Options error: --server directive network/netmask combination is invalid
Jun 26 00:30:59     openvpn[87234]: Use --help for more information.
Jun 26 00:31:10     openvpn[26660]: MANAGEMENT: Client connected from /var/etc/openvpn/client1.sock
Jun 26 00:31:10     openvpn[26660]: MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state 1'
Jun 26 00:31:10     openvpn[34295]: MANAGEMENT: Client connected from /var/etc/openvpn/client3.sock
Jun 26 00:31:10     openvpn[26660]: MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected
Jun 26 00:31:10     openvpn[34295]: MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state 1'
Jun 26 00:31:10     openvpn[34295]: MANAGEMENT: CMD 'status 2'
Jun 26 00:31:10     openvpn[34295]: MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected
Jun 26 00:31:10     openvpn[45727]: MANAGEMENT: Client connected from /var/etc/openvpn/client4.sock
Jun 26 00:31:10     openvpn[45727]: MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state 1'
Jun 26 00:31:10     openvpn[45727]: MANAGEMENT: CMD 'status 2'
Jun 26 00:31:10     openvpn[45727]: MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected

I have a guess that this has something to do with my "IPv4 Tunnel Network" and "IPv4 Local Network/s"

My IPv4 Tunnel Network is: WAN_ip/24

MY IPv4 Local Network/s is: LAN_ip/24

I am not sure this is what is suppose to be here.

I found two issues. My WAN_ip should not have been my WAN_ip but a made up ip. Also, I was not specifying to for it to get log in account information correctly. I can now connect to the VPN but it gives no internet.

Best Answer

I don't know about pfSense, but from the OpenVPN perspective the line of interest here is

Options error: --server directive network/netmask combination is invalid

This means that you've specified a VPN network address and netmask that do not combine. OpenVPN checks the network address to have zeroes where the netmask expects zeroes. E.g. + matches, but + does not match.

In your case, you should select a (private) network segment which is not used in your local network, e.g., for your tunnel network instead of your WAN IP. OpenVPN will assign addresses from that range to connecting clients.

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