How to Set a User Environment Variable Permanently


This is irritating me. I seen several suggestions (all using different files and syntax) and none of them worked.

How do I set an environment variable for a specific user? I am on debian squeeze.
What is the exact syntax I should put in the file to make ABC = "123"?

Best Answer

You have to put the declaration in the initialization files of your shell:

  • If you are using bash, ash, ksh or some other Bourne-style shell, you can add

    ABC="123"; export ABC

    in your .profile file (${HOME}/.profile). This is the default situation on most Unix installations, and in particular on Debian.

    If your login shell is bash, you can use .bash_profile (${HOME}/.bash_profile) or .bash_login instead.

    Note: If either of these files exists and your login shell is bash, .profile is not read when you log in over ssh or on a text console, but it might still be read instead of .bash_profile if you log in from the GUI. Also, if there is no .bash_profile, then use .bashrc.

  • If you've set zsh as your login shell, use ~/.zprofile instead of ~/.profile.

  • If you are using tcsh, add

    setenv ABC "123"

    in .login file (${HOME}/.login)

  • if you are using another shell look at the shell manual how to define environment variables and which files are executed at the shell startup.

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