How to search for text in a file ignoring newlines

grepnewlinessearchtext processing

I'd like to search for text that may be split over several lines in a file. A grep that would ignore line breaks and return the matching span of lines.

e.g. I would be searching for is an example file, and expect it to be found in the following file:

This is
example file.

Not to depend on leading or trailing spaces, entirely ignoring all forms of white space might be best (ideally, treating any sequence of white space as a single space).

One non-ideal solution is tr '\n' ' ' | grep, that discriminates between matches and non-matches, but doesn't show the match, nor deals well with big files.

Best Answer

The GNU grep can do it

grep -z 'is\san\sexample\sfile.' file

To fulfill some points which arise in comments there are some modifications to script:

 grep -oz '^[^\n]*\bis\s*an\s*example\s*file\.[^\n]*' file

Regarding huge files I have no imagination of memory limitation but in the case of problem you are free to use sed

sed '/\bis\b/{
     D' file

that keep no more than 4-lines (because 4 words in pattern) in memory (\(\n.*\)\{3\}).

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