How to run command as different user


Is it possible to run a command

  • with parameters first of which starts with - (dash) e.g. /usr/bin/echo -n foo
  • as different user and group, for example apache:apache
  • using command su
  • when login shell is set to /sbin/nologin ?

I tried:

  • su -s "/usr/bin/echo" -g apache apache -n foo
    • fails with su: invalid option -- 'n'. It looks like first argument may not start with dash.
  • su -c "/usr/bin/echo -n foo" -g apache apache
    • fails with nologin: invalid option -- 'c'. It looks like -c can't be used if login shell is /sbin/nologin

Best Answer

su -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/echo -n foo" -g apache apache
  • -s /bin/bash overrides nologin and allows to interpret value of -c option
  • -c "/usr/bin/echo -n foo" allows to avoid using dash-starting first argument
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