How to run a script during GNOME logout if I don’t have admin privileges


I want to run a script before I log out of my GNOME session, to warn myself if I have forgotten a pendrive plugged into the machine.

However, all solutions I have found have not been enough for me:

  • This similar question suggests editing the /etc/gdm/PostSession/Default file, but I don't have the permissions to do that. (And the file is currently empty on my machine, so there are no existing hooks to take advantage off)

  • I also found this post suggesting a workaround but, according to the first reply, it does not work if I shutdown the computer instead of only logging off.

Best Answer

As you are using Gnome, you can use the Python script below, adapted from the one you mentioned.

It needs a Gnome logout (ie gnome-session-quit) (or gnome shutdown), the one happens when we use the logout in GUI. AFAIK no process can block a shutdown by the command sudo shutdown -h 0 or by sudo poweroff. When shutdown is execued it gives SIGTERM to all process and gives a few seconds to them to exit (After executing some scripts which can't be edited by non root users ). If not exited processes are forcefully killed by SIGKILL.

This is the step by step procedure of gnome_save_yourself method. Let's do a test.

  1. Save following code as ~/Desktop/ (From

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    #Author: Seamus Phelan
    #This program runs a custom command/script just before gnome shuts 
    #down.  This is done the same way that gedit does it (listening for 
    #the 'save-yourself' event).  This is different to placing scipts 
    #in /etc/rc#.d/ as the script will be run before gnome exits.
    #If the custom script/command fails with a non-zero return code, a 
    #popup dialog box will appear offering the chance to cancel logout
    #Usage: 1 - change the command in the '' in 
    #           function 'session_save_yourself' below to be what ever
    #           you want to run at logout.
    #       2 - Run this program at every gnome login (add via menu System 
    #           -> Preferences -> Session)
    import sys
    import subprocess
    import datetime
    import gnome
    import gnome.ui
    import gtk
    class Namespace: pass
    ns = Namespace()
    ns.dialog = None
    def main():
        prog = gnome.init ("gnome_save_yourself", "1.0", gnome.libgnome_module_info_get(), sys.argv, [])
        client = gnome.ui.master_client()
        #set up call back for when 'logout'/'Shutdown' button pressed
        client.connect("save-yourself", session_save_yourself)
        client.connect("shutdown-cancelled", shutdown_cancelled)
    def session_save_yourself( *args):
            #Lets try to unmount all truecrypt volumes
        #execute shutdowwn script
        retcode ="bash /home/totti/Desktop/", shell=True)
        if retcode != 0:
            #command failed  
        return True
    def shutdown_cancelled( *args):
        if ns.dialog != None:
        return True
    def show_error_dialog():
        ns.dialog = gtk.Dialog("There was a problem running your pre-shutdown script",
                               gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
                               ("There was a problem running your pre-shutdown script - continue logout", gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT))
        if ns.test_mode == True:
            response =
            #when in shutdown mode gnome will only allow you to open a window using master_client().save_any_dialog()
            #It also adds the 'Cancel logout' button
    #Find out if we are in test mode???
    if len(sys.argv) >=2 and sys.argv[1] == "test":
        ns.test_mode = True
        ns.test_mode = False
    if ns.test_mode == True:
  2. Make it executable:

    chmod +x ~/Desktop/
  3. Save the following as ~/Desktop/

  4. Execute the main script

    bash ~/Desktop/

Now you feel the script wait for something

  1. Log Out or shutdown your OS (Ubuntu)
  2. Log in
  3. Check for a file named AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA on your desktop.


If you see the file everything OK. Now you can edit the to suit your need. Also remember to execute the on login (or make it auto executable on startup).

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