Console – How to Reverse ESC and CAPS_LOCK on TTY


I'm looking for a way to swap Esc and Caps Lock on Linux virtual console.

In X11, I can do this with setxkbmap -option caps:swapescape, but I don't know an equivalent in text mode. So, what can I do?

Best Answer

First You Need To install "console-data"

sudo apt-get install console-data

Now use "sudo showkey" to find the keycode of your ESC and CapsLock key

sudo showkey

My keycode for ESC was "1" and for Caps Lock was "58"

Now you need to create a .keystrings file in your home directory

vim ~/.keystrings

In that file you'll swap the keycode's for Caps Lock and ESC ex. since the Caps Lock Key was equal to 58 before I'll make it equal to 1

keycode 1 = Caps_Lock
keycode 58 = Escape

Now Save and close your .keystrings file and run the following command in your TTY

sudo loadkeys .keystrings 

The Caps Lock and Escape keys should now be swapped

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