How to report an incorrect timezone


Timezone information for Cayman Islands is incorrect.

The Cayman Islands government toyed with the idea of changing the timezone to have daylight savings, in effect matching US/Eastern time, however this did not come to fruition.

As such, when daylight savings in US/Eastern time started this weekend just gone by (13 March 2016), but not in Cayman, the time in Cayman is now off by 1 hour.

As a work around we've had to change timezones from "Cayman" to "Jamaica".

sudo mv /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.bak
sudo ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Jamaica /etc/localtime

This is obviously not a permanent solution.

  • What should I do to fix this permanently?
  • How / who do I report this error to?

Best Answer

Time Zone data 2016a already takes this into account:

America/Cayman will not observe daylight saving this year after all. Revert our guess that it would. (Thanks to Matt Johnson.)

All that needs to happen now is for your distribution to update its time-zone data. You can check whether a bug has already been filed in your distribution's bug tracker, and file one if necessary...

In the meantime you can also download the updated tarball and use that to update your zoneinfo file.

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