GPG – How to Remove Passphrase from gpg2 Private Key


Yes, I know it is a step into a lesser secure system, but the current setting makes it reasonable (the key is not important, but the signing has to be automatized).

Google results say this:

  1. List the keys with a gpg --list-keys
  2. Edit the key with a gpg --edit-key C0DEEBED....
  3. A gpg command line console starts, there a passwd command changes the passphrase
  4. Giving the password twice (in my case, simple enter) changes the key.

However, it doesn't work, because gpg2 simply doesn't allow an empty password.

What to do?

Best Answer

With pinentry-0.8.1 (and gnupg2-2.0.22) on Centos 7 I was able to remove the passphrase from the secret key by not specifying a new password; pinentry did whine and warn about the blank password but both the console and GTK pinentry programs had a "Take this one anyway" prompt that resulted in a password-free secret key.

On the other hand, this attempt failed as the then imported secret key is marked as unusable:

gpg --export-options export-reset-subkey-passwd --export-secret-subkeys > x
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