SFTP – How to Remove Multiple Files


This post is about removing muliple files from the remote server, when sftp password less connection is setup. I have the code as below. Only first file in the variable $file_list gets deleted, when I have the variable set as,

$file_list="file1 file2"

sftp $USER@$HOST
rm $file_list

I even tried executing the commands in prompt mode.

sftp $USER@$HOST
rm file1 file2

However, I still see that only file1 is getting deleted.

I am not sure if I am missing any basic command.
I tried mdelete/mdel/mrm, which were rejected as Invalid command in sftp prompt window.

Best Answer

Here is one possible solution that can be added to bash script. This is not ideal as it will make a new connection for each file.

# set variables
file_list="file1 file1 file3 file4"
# delete each file
for file in $file_list; do
    echo "rm $file" | sftp $USER@$HOST
exit 0

This one-liner is far better! file1-9 being file names to remove, use a variable if you like, it's the same thing.

for file in file1 file2 file3 file4 file5 file6 file7 file8 file9; do echo -e "rm $file" >> sftp_batch; done; sftp -b sftp_batch username@hostname; rm sftp_batch
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