How to redefine kde4 keyboard shortcuts

kdekeyboard shortcuts

I recently switched to using KDE 4, and I don't like that KDE uses so many of the Ctrl-Fn shortcut keys, since I use them for other purposes. Specifically, I'd like to disable the Ctrl-F4 shortcut in KDE. However, I have not been able to find this shortcut in System Settings -> Shortcuts and Gestures.

UPDATE: Another shortcut I'd like to redefine is the "Show window menu" shortcut, which I like on Alt-Space, but which KDE has on Alt-F3.

I have not been able to find a global place to change all shortcuts.

Best Answer

All of the global keyboard shortcuts are in "Settings -> System Settings -> Shortcuts and Gestures -> Global Keyboard Shortcuts". You'll probably need to go through each of the KDE components to find and remove the shortcuts you don't want.

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