mv – How to Prevent ‘mv’ from Moving a Collection of Files into a Single Regular One


I've just lost a small part of my audio collection, by a stupid mistake I made. 🙁
GLADLY I had a fairly recent backup, but it was still irritating. Apart from yours truly, the other culprit doing the mischief was mv, which will show as follows:

The audio files had a certain scheme:

ARTIST - Some Title YY.mp3

where YY is the 2-digit year specification.

mkdir 90<invisible control character>

(Up to this moment, I did not know that I had actually typed one third excess character which was invisible …!)
Instead of having all in one directory, I wanted to have all 1990s music in one directory. So I typed:

find . -name '* 9?.mp3' -exec mv {} 90 \;

Not so hard to get the idea what happened eh? :->
The (disastrous) result was a virgin empty directory called '90 something' (with something being the "invisible" control character) and one single file called '90', overwritten n times.

ALL FILES WERE GONE. :-(( (obviously)

Wish mv would've checked in time whether the signature of the destination "file" (remember on *NIX: Everything Is A File) starts with a d------ (e. g. drwxr-xr-x). And, of course, whether the destination exists at all. There is a variant of the aforementioned scenario, when you simply forgot to mkdir the directory first. (but of course, you assumed that it's there…)

Even our pet-hate OS starting with the capital W DOES DO THIS. You get even prompted to specify the type of destination (file? directory?) if you ask for it.

Hence, I'm wondering if we *NIXers still have to write ourselves a "mv scriptlet" just to avoid these kinds of most unwanted surprises.

Best Answer

You can append a / to the destination if you want to move files to a directory. In case the directory does not exist you'll receive an error:

mv somefile somedir/
mv: cannot move ‘somefile’ to ‘somedir/’: Not a directory

In case the directory exists, it moves the file into that directory.

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