How to pipe data over network or serial to the display of another linux machine


I have a second monitor that I'd like to use for a text-based debugging log and/or console. I don't want to have it as part of my GUI / "desktop" / main system.

I have this display connected to an old linux box that doesn't have much processing power. When it boots up it sits ready at the login: prompt.

It is connected to the LAN so I can SSH to it. I know I can write to the screen by running something like ssh root@ancient echo test \> /dev/tty0

I enjoy using named pipes for debugging, basically creating one named pipe with mkfifo and then using tail -f on it while writing data to it from other commands / scripts / etc.

Based on this explanation of what I'm attempting to do, what is a "good" / "right" way to do what I'm trying to do ("dump data" to a named pipe over the network so that the output would appear on this terminal's screen? )

I know I've got access to ssh, tail, netcat (nc), and redirection via things like /dev/tty0 – but I can't quite figure out how to put it all together eloquently. I did see this: Can I pipe/redirect a console application through netcat so it can be used remotely?

It seems hackish to use something like ssh root@ancient echo test \> /dev/tty0 and create a new connection for every log item that gets sent.

A bonus would be if the data was not sent over the network as plain-text, but I suppose that criterion is not mandatory if it makes things very slow or creates too much overhead or complication.

Also, would there be any advantage in using a serial connection between the two machines instead?

I have done this in the past but it seemed to me that even at the maximum baud rate of 115,200 that when a few hundred lines of code were sent it seemed 'laggy' compared to sending the data over the network. I know 115k is old "modem technology" so I just wanted to know if this slower-than-expected experience for this type of direct ( albeit serial) connection is normal.

Best Answer

netcat springs to mind; it may be the more sensible choice (given the no-overhead, no compression approach to network communications) on your low-spec receiving machine.

A nice usage example can be found here:

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