XFCE/Xubuntu Keyboard – How to Permanently Swap Esc and Caps Lock


I followed some post a while ago, and it said to make an ~/.xmodmap file like so:

! Swap caps lock and escape
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
keysym Escape = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = Escape
add Lock = Caps_Lock

I did, and it now I can swap esc and caps lock by doing xmodmap ~/.xmodmap. I wanted this to be permanent, so I added that command to my ~/.bash_profile, but it doesn't seem to work; I still have to manually xmodmap. As an EEng dropout, I am tempted to just rewire my keyboard }:-) but I know there must be a better way. How can I make this work, permanently?

Best Answer

Execute xfce4-settings-manager, in Session and Startup -> Application autostart, add an entry, which executes xmodmap ~/.xmodmap

Or rename the file to ~/.Xmodmap

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