Systemd – How to Override Unit File Settings


I have installed MySQL on my Arch Linux server. I moved the data directory to a place under /home, where my RAID volume is mounted. I noticed that mysqld will not start in this configuration by default since the systemd unit contains the setting ProtectHome=true.

I want to override just this setting. I don't want to re-specify the ExecStart or similar commands, in case they change when the package is upgraded.

I tried making a simple file at /etc/systemd/system called mysqld.service and added only these lines:


This doesn't work as it looks like the service in /etc replaces, not overrides, the system service.

Is there a way to override settings in systemd unit files this way without directly modifying the files in /usr/lib/systemd/system? (which is what I have done for now as a temporary fix, although that will end up reverted if the package is updated)

Best Answer

You may override a systemd unit file using

systemctl edit mysqld.service

Any statements made in the override file will take priority.