How to mute sound when xscreensaver locks screen


The goal is to mute sound whenever screen lock happens.

Ideally restore sound after unlocking as well.

Sound system is Pulseaudio.

Best Answer

Launch this script (or setup autostart of this script on login):

#!/bin/bash -euET
set -o pipefail

export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="${DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS:-unix:path=/run/user/$(id -u)/bus}"
export DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:-:0}"

xscreensaver-command -watch | while read -r line ; do
    echo "handling event: $line"

    if [[ $line = LOCK* ]]; then
      volume=$(pamixer --get-volume)
      echo "current volume is $volume"
      pamixer --set-volume 0

    if [[ $line = UNBLANK* ]]; then
      echo "setting volume to $volume"
      pamixer --set-volume "$volume"


Explanation: the "daemon" part of this script xscreensaver-command -watch will hang and wait for any events from xscreensaver. Whenever "LOCK" or "UNBLANK" event occurs, the sound volume will be zeroed and restored respectively.

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