Keyboard Shortcuts Gnome3 – How to Move Windows Across Displays

gnome3keyboard shortcutswindow

In Gnome 3, moving windows with the keyboard shortcuts Meta+ and Meta+ can be convenient.

Now, I have two displays installed and would like to move windows across the displays without touching the mouse. More precisely, I would like to see what is the default behavior in Windows 7, namely four locations, left half of first screen, right half of first screen, left half of second screen, right half of second screen.

Any solution involving a sequence of multiple shortcuts is also appreciated.

Note that I am using only one desktop but multiple displays.

Best Answer

In Fedora 24 (which uses Gnome) the key combination Super + Shift + ← or Super + Shift + → moves windows between monitors by default.

If you play with Super + Cursor Keys and then use Super + Shift + Cursor Keys you should be able to move/minimise/maximise windows with ease.

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