Mount – How to Mount an Image File Without Root Permission


Can I mount a file system image without root permission? Normally I would do:

mount -o loop DISK_IMAGE FOLDER

Without using sudo or setting the suid on mount, is there any suitable way to do this?

I know I can use fusermount with some ISO images, but that is pretty limited, even for ISO images, some of my images cannot be mounted, but mount always works.

Best Answer

You can't mount anything that the administrator hasn't somehow given you permission to mount. Only root can call the mount system call. The reason for this is that there are many ways to escalate privileges through mounting, such as mounting something over a system location, making files appear to belong to another user and exploiting a program that relies on file ownership, creating setuid files, or exploiting bugs in filesystem drivers.

The mount command is setuid root. But if you aren't root, it only lets you mount things that are mentioned in fstab.

The fusermount command is setuid root. It only lets you mount things through a FUSE driver, and restricts your abilities to provide files with arbitrary ownership or permissions that way (under most setups, all files on a FUSE mount belong to you).

Your best bet is to find a FUSE filesystem that's capable of reading your disk image. For ISO 9660 images, try both fuseiso and UMfuse's ISO 9660 support (available under Debian as the fuseiso9660 package).

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