How to modify write permission on current buffer in emacs


Is it possible to change the write permissions on a file from inside emacs, without killing/re-opening the buffer?

Sometimes I forget to modify the permissions on a file before opening it. I can modify the permissions from inside emacs (M-! chmod u+w filename) but this doesn't update the buffer which remains write protected and refuses to modify the file.

Is there a way to update permissions inside the buffer? Bonus point if I can assign this to a shortcut!

Best Answer

After changing the file mode, and before doing any edit, run M-x revert-buffer to reload the file. If the file is now writable, the buffer will no longer be read-only.

Alternatively, type C-x C-q (read-only-mode). This makes the buffer no longer read-only. You can edit and even save, but you'll get a confirmation prompt asking whether you want to overwrite the read-only file.