How to Merge Two .srt Files Using Command Line

command linevideovideo-subtitles

Please see this question.

I have just merged two avi files cd1.avi and cd1.avi into movie.avi using:

avimerge -o movie.avi -i cd{1,2}.avi

Problem is that I had to subtitle files linked to the first avi files:

At first I tried simply to concatenate the files together:

cat cd{1,2}.srt >

But that caused havoc with the subtitles… any suggestions?

Best Answer

This is pretty trivially done, since .srt files are just text files that contain time stamps -- all you need to do is add the length of cd1.avi to the times of all the subtitles in You can find the length of cd1.avi with ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -i cd1.avi  # Look for the Duration: line

And then add that to using srttool

srttool -d 12345 -i  # 12345 is the amount to add in seconds


srttool -a hh:mm:ss -i  # The first subtitle will now start at hh:mm:ss

Then you should just be able to concatenate the files together and renumber:

srttool -r -i

I picked srttool because in Arch it comes with transcode, which you installed for this question; there are lots of other tools that can shift and merge .srt files too, and at least one website, submerge

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