How to make tmux monitor a window for inactivity


I've switched from GNU Screen to tmux. They're both similar, except that tmux is still maintained.

GNU Screen has a C-a _ ("silence") command. This command makes GNU Screen monitor the current window and alert me when there's been 30 seconds of inactivity. This is quite useful: for example, GNU Screen can watch a long apt-get dist-upgrade process and alert me when dpkg has a question for me.

Does tmux have an equivalent command? I tried searching the Web but didn't find an answer.

Best Answer

The manpage reveals the answer. You will need tmux 1.4 (released Dec. 2010) or better.

Press Ctrl+B then enter the command:

:setw monitor-silence 30

To identify all quiet windows in the session, apply the setting to all windows:

:setw -g monitor-silence 30

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